Sunsets in the archipelago have left me spellbound on many occasions. My photograph Late November Sunset is a personal favourite because of the experience attached. I’d just climbed up out of a dry riverbed densely populated with trees after discovering an impressive Byzantine church, probably more than a thousand years old. Concealed by foliage, it was built in the shadowy interior of a hillside in a remote valley that apparently no one on the island had ever heard of - the next time I visited, the roof had caved in, sadly. Afterwards, dusting myself off from all the crawling around to get to the church and still laden with camera gear, I chanced to look behind and saw the most beguiling scene: the lower section of a huge swath of cloud was covering the sun causing it to project a powerful orange glow towards the sea, while directly above me, the sky was perfectly blue. The lens couldn't capture the entirety of the scene, but I loved the result, Late November Sunset, regardless.
Byzantine Church
My photograph Late November Sunset is a personal favourite because of the experience attached …
Late November Sunset
I chanced to look behind and saw the most beguiling scene: the lower section of a huge swath of cloud was covering the sun causing it to project a powerful orange glow towards the sea while directly above me, the sky was perfectly blue.
Cycladic Sunset
On one occasion I'd ventured far over rough land covered in oregano, rosemary, thyme and thorns, climbing steep, rugged hills that often descend into valleys impossible to confront, especially with so much camera gear. There weren't even goat paths for guidance. My mistake was to forget the quickly fading seasonal light. In an attempt to hurry back, a mesmerising view of Siknos blanketed in orange stopped me for a final shot using the tripod. While the camera did its work, I admired the scene with an overly ripe apricot, the first thing I'd eaten since morning. In front, the sun began its descent into the Aegean illuminating a cloud directly above. With my right hand covered in sticky juice from the fruit, there was no choice but to take hold of the other camera with its impressive telephoto lens and capture this memorable scene.